Hello! As some may not know on November 13th of this year my Puyo Puyo AU story was completed! And honestly I really enjoyed making this for you all, there is still old concept stuff I'd love to talk about and stuff for my future project. I didn't expect the positive feedback it received, it's kinda shocking to me still how many of you guys enjoyed it.
"Are you going to continue making news posts about the old ideas you had for D!AU?" Yes there is still things I'd like to talk about the old D!AU. Some (actually a lot) of stuff was scrapped especially parts that had to do with the other characters... I enjoy sharing the ideas I originally had for the project, it shows how different it changed and what the final product came out to be.
"Will you talk about your new projects here too?" I will! I'll try to keep everyone updated on it. I have ideas for a few more Puyo Puyo AU projects but I'm still on my writing hiatus because D!AU took it's time but got to the end greatly. I think you guys will also like this next project it'll be quite fun!
"Can you tell us about one project?" Uhm... maybe but I kinda wanna keep both of them a secret the one I plan on making next will probably be somewhere around next year and for the other? We'll have to wait on that one!
Hope everyone will enjoy my future projects to come <33